Category Archives: Business Technology

Is Better Workplace Tech the Secret to Higher Employee Retention?

Chances are your employees have the latest phones packed with futuristic apps that work seamlessly to support their daily tasks—from working out to purchasing meals. It’s no secret, modern workers have come to expect the same flexibility and convenience in their professional lives as they encounter in their personal lives. Unfortunately, Human Capital Management (HCM) technology hasn’t exactly kept up, leaving employees with subpar apps that are neither intuitive nor effective. 

This can quickly lead to a lackluster employee experience. In fact, 48% of employees surveyed said they wished their workplace technology performed the same way as their personal technology. Technology is a major component of the employee experience and being able to deliver well-designed solutions where and when your team needs them is becoming essential to maintaining high retention rates. Better workforce automation technology is linked to better work/life balance, increased job satisfaction, and stronger feelings of team unity. 

Why is it important to learn from the success of popular apps?

Many popular apps feature a savvy combination of convenience and problem-solving. Many current HCM solutions are neither convenient for employees nor do they actually solve a problem leading teams to revert back to outdated solutions. For example, if a mobile app isn’t robust enough, HR teams can often be forced back into relying on paper or asking employees to stop what they’re doing and sit down at a desktop computer. With many “deskless” workers, like those in manufacturing or retail, this can become a huge hassle and cut into valuable work hours.  

Delivering a consumer-grade, responsive HR experience to your employees is a must-have in today’s competitive employment environment. With a diverse workforce that includes remote employees, contractors, gig workers, and more, responsive HCM solutions let you reach and engage workers in a meaningful way — whether they’re in a traditional office, coffee shop, vehicle, or working on site. When all employees have access to modern, flexible solutions to common HR questions and problems, organizations can realize demonstrable increases in productivity and engagement.

Why our Workforce Ready platform can improve your employee experience:

We believe that our Workforce Ready HR solution is able to deliver your team responsive, convenient, and robust technology that aligns with your company goals, will improve your employee experience, and increase your bottom line. Here’s what’s great about Workforce Ready

1. It simplifies and streamlines tasks.

We believe that no matter what device is being used, it should be easy for employees to find specific, day-to-day actions they need to complete. Workforce Ready’s easy to use mobile app ensures there isn’t any confusion about which area of the app does what or how to get there.

2. It empowers employees.

With Workforce Ready, employees are able to carry out all tasks on any device, giving them autonomy and making them feel engaged in their work

3. It keeps teams unified.

Having a slew of different apps and separate systems is confusing for you and your employees. Workforce Ready offers a unified platform for all your HR activities that can translate seamlessly to any device.

Giving employees convenient access anytime, anywhere to key processes like benefits enrollment, direct deposit, timesheet submission, and vacation requests allows them the flexibility to make requests and submit important information in a timely manner, rather than having to wait for access at the office. It’s great on the managerial side as well, managers can quickly get actionable, visual displays of key workforce metrics, letting them catch and address changes quickly and reward top talent immediately. It also frees up HR to focus on bigger strategic company goals rather than administrative tasks and push forward innovative employee programs rather than becoming bogged down by approvals and paperwork. 

Want to upgrade your team’s HCM tech? Schedule a call with us today.

6 Reasons Why Workforce Ready Just Works

We’ve told you how Workforce Automation can help your company operate more efficiently, helping ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. However, be advised, not all human capital management systems are created equal. 

We’ve done our homework and vetted hundreds of different softwares before choosing Kronos’s Workforce Ready for our clients. Workforce Ready’s state-of-the-art technology automates all administrative processes, making it easier for you to hire, onboard, track performance, administer benefits, and everything in-between. 

Here are some of the reasons why we think Workforce Ready is the best in the market:

1. Talent acquisition driven by data.

Talent Acquisition Dashboard Mobile App

No more losing track of where top tier applicants are in the hiring cycle, especially when hiring for multiple positions. Workforce Ready help you effectively source, track, hire, and evaluate talent so you can fill your positions quickly and with the right people. Plus their streamline applicant portal helps reinforce your brand and makes it easy for applicants to search for available positions, on the go. 

2. Seamless onboarding.

Onboarding made easy

Once you’ve acquired top talent, you want to ensure that your onboarding experience is clear, consistent and engaging for each and every new hire. The days of new employees wasting their first week trying to decipher a barrage of confusing documents are over. Workforce Ready employs an effective onboarding approach that includes an overarching onboarding checklist to ensure all key documents are completed plus they offer a mobile-friendly experience so new hires can address sensitive onboarding items from the comfort of their home. Ultimately, seamless onboarding leads to better new employee retention, reduced turnover, and faster time to productivity. 

3. Performance management that gets results.

Performance Management

Continuous feedback is an essential component of an effective performance management strategy because it helps provide managers with real-time feedback tools so they can nip even small problems in the bud, nurture growth, and recognize stellar employees. Managers have full visibility into whether their team is on track for quarterly goals, all without the use of cumbersome paper forms.

Want to learn more? Download our “CorpStrat for Human Capital Management” to dive deeper into our cutting edge HCM solutions.

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4. Employee benefits management that just makes sense.

Benefits Management

Administering benefits can be complicated and costly for employers and confusing for employees when not done right. This is where technology plus industry know-how really comes together, we have created a mobile-friendly benefits management tool that presents benefits in a clear, organized way to help employees easily understand and choose the best package for them. It goes even further, with our data-backed approach, employees can input their preferences and receive personalized benefits recommendations.

5. Automated, accurate time & attendance that you can rely on.

Time and Attendance TLM

Accurate time and attendance records are so important in ensuring compliance and keeping labor costs down. With Workforce Ready, you’re not working with disparate systems that need to talk to each other. Instead, time and attendance data is collected into a single database, reducing errors and eliminating the need to do ad hoc calculations. With Workforce Ready’s mobile app, employees can gain immediate access to their HR, schedule, and pay data. Employees can punch in and out with GPS coordinates, submit time sheets, view their schedules, and more, all from the app. 

6. Efficient payroll management that makes compliance easier than ever.


Maintaining payroll accuracy is vital for building trust with new employees, adhering to compliance, and boosting efficiency within the company. With Workforce Ready, unified HR, time and attendance, and Payroll puts the power of “single source of truth” into your hands. This means that your people are able to make more informed business decisions in the moment, Payroll information is synced across all channels, errors are eliminated, and employees and managers are aided by charts and graphs to help make sense of all the data. Payroll has to take into account thousands of federal, state, and local codes that are updated quarterly in order to remain compliant. In Workforce Ready, these calculations are done automatically so there are no computational or filing errors.

Have questions about how Workforce Ready can transform your business? Schedule a call or email us at today!

The Value of HR Employee Self Service Portals

Consequences of Not Using a HR System to Run Your Business

If you’re not utilizing an Employee Self-Service (Portal) module, or are using one with limited capabilities, your business is already losing the office culture wars. Failure to create an environment built on transparency and trust will put your company at risk at obtaining and retaining top talent.

What is Employee Self Service?

Employee self-service (ESS) is a feature that is available with most modern human resource information systems (HRIS), also known as human resource management systems (HRMS).

Common Features of the CorpStratHR (AKA Employee Self-Service Portal

Employee Self-Service module, will provide the following features for HR administrators and employees:

HR administrators can:

  • Use the module to integrate with other CorpStratHR tools and 300+ other partner applications to allow for easy scalability when requirements call for it
  • Robust tools allow for HR administrators to create a customized experience for each employee connected to their portal
  • The seamless upload of data makes reporting for compliance easy to manage
  • Reporting tools available to help improve various HR processes over time
  • Data is secure and easily accessible to authorized users
  • Send communications and alerts to employees

Employees can:

  • Clock in and out
  • Manage and request PTO, sick-leave, jury duty and more
  • Submit expense reports to their managers
  • Review company documentation and policy procedures
  • Compare, analyze and check plan costs prior to enrolling in benefits during Open Enrollment
  • Access and review benefit selections
  • Take surveys
  • Input and track goals for performance
  • Review and print paystubs, W-2 and ACA forms

Contact us today to learn more about what an Employee Self-Service can do for you, what it can integrate with and more.

3 Productivity Drains That HR Automation Tools Can Solve for Your Business

Managing attendance in a HR system

Administering processes manually within your human resources (HR) department can lead you to trouble. They are time-consuming, which doesn’t allow your HR department to automate or time to focus on bigger-picture improvements. On top of that, they can lead to human error, causing mistakes, which can substantially slow down your overall operations.

With cloud-based HR automation tools at your disposal, you can enhance key-processes that will help your business improve culture, boost transparency and reach identified goals.

Increase Your Productivity In These Areas With HR Automation Tools

Essential and strategic HR management processes should be automated with cloud-based systems, platforms, modules or applications. The following can be improved with HR automation tools.

Performance Management

When this process is administered manually, it’s extremely hard to track goals, manage for fair compensation evaluations or even have enough time to truly create an efficient performance management process. HR automation tools can help improve performance evaluations for administrators, managers, and employees by automating numerous workflows, acquiring advanced analytics, sending out templated communications, providing a customized scoring system and more.

When employees feel properly evaluated and compensated, it will only build the employer brand further because you will be doing right for the workforce. Today’s top talent is looking for fair compensation, ample opportunity for growth and great work culture. Improving the performance management process is just one step into making your employer brand a gold standard in your industry.

Benefits Management

Without automating benefits management process, HR administrators and employees go through a painful ritual once or twice per year. With benefits enrollment, messaging is too confusing and time-consuming to relay. You go through meeting-after-meeting, trying to relay benefits facts that employees just seem to not be able to understand. You have to time your communications and manually send them off to “All staff” just to remind them that Open Enrollment is happening and they better make their selections soon.

With HR automation tools to help you administer the benefits management process, you and employees will experience these improvements:

  • Employees can compare, analyze and check plan costs prior to enrollment
  • Employees can print consolidated benefit statements at any time
  • Administrators can configure rules for specified benefit options to appear in employee portals based on set criteria
  • Employee selections are seamlessly sent to appropriate carriers via Electronic Data Interface (EDI) transfer
  • Benefits deductions sent directly to payroll

Employee Self-Service (Portal)

With an employee portal implemented and synced with a few varying modules, you will be able to allow employees to:

  • Manage PTO
  • Clock in and out
  • Review and select their benefits
  • Download and print pay stubs, W-2 and ACA forms
  • Track goals and manage performance
  • Submit expense reports
  • Take surveys
  • Access company documentation and more

HR administrators can configure the features, content available and access based on company priorities and other rules determined. An employee portal allows you to center your focus on more meaningful projects over being an information finder for employees.

6 Ways to Secure Payroll Processing and Fraud Prevention


Payroll processing is a core function for organizations to be able to compensate their employees for the work they are doing. A payroll system also holds a massive amount of sensitive employee information.

If best practices to secure payroll processing are not properly implemented, sensitive information is left vulnerable, which can put both the employee population and the employer at serious risk of fraud, embezzlement and a host of legal issues potentially resulting in millions of dollars in damages.

To prevent that outcome from happening to your organization, you can use these strategies to help keep your payroll processing secure from inside and outside threats of fraud.

Fraud Prevention

Keep your payroll software up to date (if you are using an automated platform currently)

For those organizations who use automated software to run their payroll processing, the number one thing they need to do is make sure the software is up-to-date. This ensures that their payroll processing has all the latest deployed codes and firewalls to help prevent from devious intent from online thieves outside the organization.

Businesses should be working diligently with their I.T. department to keep up-to-date on the best security practices.

Provide common sense online security protocol for employees

Failure to secure payroll processing can often be attributed to human error. As it’s 2018, we’re still struggling to motivate our employee populations to keep online security top-of-mind. Employees who practice bad online security practices put themselves and their organization at risk to the following hazards:

  • Phishing schemes
  • Malware
  • Trojan horses
  • Spam
  • Ransomware
  • Spyware
  • Viruses and more

Human resources, I.T., and leadership need to make some decisions on what strategies and company initiatives they perform to help keep payroll processing secure from fraud by putting data security at the forefront of their operations.

 Restrict payroll access diligently

This one should be simple to implement. Simply allow access to payroll and the sensitive information it holds to the select one or a few employees whose job it is to run processing for the organization. You’re going to have stakeholders in different departments who may need access to data in payroll, however, everyone needs to be accounted for in this process.

Organizations need to keep an updated list that specifies who has access to payroll. This will allow them to immediately check back on their list easily in the event some payroll shenanigans are afoot in the company.

Be wary of 3rd parties

It’s normal for internal people or departments to need specific information from the payroll department at various times. However, businesses are always being spammed by 3rd party companies looking to acquire the data they hold.

In the event, your organization is considering sharing payroll processing data with a 3rd party, it’s important that businesses consult with their state labor department for clarification on work-related information releases. These businesses should also create a documented procedure that forces whoever wants data from payroll to sign and acknowledge it for auditing purposes later.

Disposal of older documentation

Businesses need to keep their legal documentation cleaned up and disposed of properly. Even if the information is old, it can still lead a person with fraud on their mind to other places that can harm employees and employer interests.

Organizations should be auditing their sensitive payroll documentation held online, or hard copy in the office for older and unneeded materials. By cleaning out the older, sensitive data in their filing systems, businesses will not have to worry about it getting into the wrong hands. They will also have less to sift through when it comes to tax season or other auditing duties.

Secure your payroll area(s)

Whether the department is on-premise or located on another campus, organizations should be doing the following to their physical space to secure payroll processing:

  • Desks should be positioned so computer screens are not facing any windows or doors
  • All physical documentation should be locked up at all times when not being used
  • The doors to payroll should always be locked with access only allowed to assigned personnel
  • For offsite operations, the rules above apply